Try This

Each night at bedtime I (Bill) would hear Katy give a blessing to each of the kids. Over time there were different rituals that went with it - a song, a certain number of kisses, a snuggle, etc. But the blessing was the same every night. Literally for thousands and thousands of nights, each of our kids would receive this blessing from their mother - until they went off to college (and then often when they returned).

So today I want you to try imagining what it would be like to have this blessing prayed over you every night of your first 18 years of life. Do you think it might help ground you in God’s love? And then you might even pray it over yourself once or twice or ten thousand times, trying to let in the goodness of it.

God says to you, “You are precious and honored in my sight and I love you” (Isaiah 43:4).